Why your Construction Business needs Facebook Ads? Here are the Reasons

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Why Facebook marketing? We often meet clients with this question bothering their minds. First, they doubt how effective is Facebook Advertising! Then the next question would be: How much does Facebook Advertising cost? Well, we understand their issue. Then, we ask them: Why your construction business needs Facebook Ads? Why they have come to us! Most of them answer that since their competitors are doing it, they also want to start it.  

Is this the best reason? Well, we know one needs to have that competitive edge over others, it’s required. However, Facebook Advertising is not just crucial to beat the competition; there are many other reasons too. Let’s discuss!

Reason 1: The Decline of Organic Facebook Reach

Lets break the bad news! Organic reach is declining on Facebook ever since 2014. Yes, if you are not aware of it, you heard from us. If fewer people see your Page’s organic posts, that means fewer clicks, comments, and shares isn’t it!  And if having interactions are few, that means conversions, leads, and customers will get affected. Facebook defines organic reach as “how many people you can reach for free on Facebook by posting to your Page. (sic)”  

Edgerank Checker did a study, and they found between February 2012 and March 2014, organic reach for the average Facebook Page dropped from 16% to 6.5%,” reports HubSpot. The scene started getting worse after 2014, and the reason as per many marketers is simple; Facebook wants users to spend more on ads and “promoted” content. 

With the decline, do you see any hope for meaningful yet unpaid content! Of course, not! Though there are various ways to combat this decline of organic reach on Facebook, advertising is undoubtedly the best option. Reach out to more people and interact with the fan base through paid advertising. You can also choose to either boost or promote your posts.  

Reason 2: Terrific Facebook Ad Targeting Abilities

With time and as per demand, Facebook Ad targeting abilities have gotten better. What not you can target if paying for the ads. Reach your ideal target persona based on their interests, demographics, language, the phone they use, job titles, marriage status, people they follow, media interestsand other sorts of webbehaviorFacebook geo


What this specific Facebook ad geotargeting does is that you save a lot of money instead of spending money on advertising to random people. The best part of Facebook targeting is defining audiences. A marketer can have the following list: 

Custom Audiences: Based on your email list you can target 

Lookalike Audiences: Facebook users similar to your customers  

Audiences Insight: Understanding your Facebook audience to target ads in a better way 

Website Custom Audiences: Those who have shown interest in your website.  

Reason 3  Facebook retargeting shows Remarkable Results

You must have heard a lot of good reviews about Facebook RetargetingAnd indeed, it works its mojo showing great results. Do you know, visitors who see “remarketing ads are 70% more likely to convert on a website compared to those who don’t. (sic)”.

Do you know that only 2% of web traffic gets converted on the first visit? The rest 98% of visitors need to get converted, right! Facebook retargeting helps here. What retargeting does is that it remarkets to users who have visited your website, but didn’t take any action, be it subscribing to the newsletter or registration or something else. 

With Facebook retargeting options, you can target these visitors again by appearing in their feed, reminding them of your brand and services. For example, someone searched for the best interior designers (in some locality) and landed on a website that is a home interior and renovation solutions providerHe/she saw the site and didn’t try to contact the brand and left. Now, this brand can retarget this visitor on Facebook, flashing the brand on their feeds so that this visitor first gets reminded of this brand, and second can take action to contact the brand. 

Do read: A simple guide to do Facebook retargeting? 

Retargeting may seem easy, but it isn’t. Just like other ad campaigns, a lot of research goes on here too. Having a construction marketing agency can be a lot helpful to run a result-oriented Facebook retargeting campaign.

Reason 4  Easy to Track Facebook Ads Feature

Facebook Advertising is easily trackable, thanks to the makers who have simplified it. With FB advertising, measuring the efficiency of your campaigns, ad setsand analysis is quick. If your construction firm is conducting seminars to impart knowledge to its followers and trying to get leads, your Facebook Ads can target business owners as well as small-time contractors. After running the ads for a while, you will be able to see which ad set is performing better. The ads getting the cheapest click and lead is the successful one.  

Don’t put money on the ad campaign, which is underperforming instead invest in the one which is performing. Make the best ad campaign for your primary campaign. Having a social media marketer can be time and energy saver as the person can take charge to do monthly Social Media plan, schedule posts, engage followers, and lastly, track results, and optimize.

Also read: How a Construction Company can Improve Facebook Ad Performance?

Reason 5 – Various Types of Ads 

While Google Ads have only three variants, Facebook Ads give you multiple options. You should fancy this. Here are the type of ads you can try for your construction business and test waters:  

Image ads 

Headline: 25 characters 

Link description: 30 characters 

Body text: 125 characters 

Campaign objectives: All except video views 

Video ads 

Headline: 25 characters 

Link description: 30 characters 

Body text: 125 characters 

Campaign objectives: All except catalog sales 

Facebook Stories ads 

Text: No set character count. Aim to leave 250 pixels text-free at the top and bottom of the ad. 

Campaign objectives: Engagement, messages, catalog sales, store traffic 

Carousel ads 

Headline: 25 characters 

Link description: 20 characters 

Body text: 125 characters 

Campaign objectives: All except engagement and video views 

Slideshow ads 

Headline: 25 characters 

Link description: 30 characters 

Body text: 125 characters 

Campaign objectives: All 

Collection ads 

Headline: 25 characters 

Link description: n/a 

Body text: 90 characters 

Campaign objectives: Traffic, conversions, catalog sales, store traffic 

Instant Experience ads 

Text: Blocks of text up to 500 words each. 

Campaign objectives: All except lead generation, catalog sales, and messages 

Messenger Inbox ads 

Headline: n/a 

Link description: n/a 

Body text: 125 characters 

Campaign objectives: Traffic, app installs, conversions, catalog sales, messages 

Source: Hootsuite blog  

Reason 6   Facebook Ads don’t cost a bomb

So, how much does Facebook Advertising cost? Unlike the usual saying and belief, advertising on Facebook is inexpensive to start with. Marketers usually end up burning money due to lack of strategy applied during campaigns and failing to track them. Facebook advertising cost starts at $5 onlyAnd all you need to come with the first set of ads is three lines of text, a compelling creative, and a few hashtags.  

You can always stop a Facebook Ad if not performing. Risking $5 doesn’t seem quite big a deal, and with that, you can even gauge the situation whether to go with Facebook ads or not. Unlike other expensive ad venues like offline ads and also Google ads, Facebook ads are an inexpensive way to do social media marketing to gain traction. Depending on goals like engagement, sales, or web traffic, the Facebook advertising budget will vary.

Reason 7  Quick approach and faster reach 

Facebook users are increasing by truckloads; thus, advertising on Facebook is not going to be a failed attempt. Social media marketing for construction companies nowadays are not just limited to LinkedIn, but more and more companies are getting their presence felt on Facebook, and its another important channel Instagram.  

Check out this new graph from 
Statista about the number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 2019 end. So, if you want to reach out to a maximum number of people in record time, running a Facebook Ad campaign is a sure-shot method Yes, the results have been terrific and quick.

The decline of Facebook‘s organic reach is alarming, but with the ever-growing popularity of Facebook for businesses, the social media platform will surely make its advertising feature lucrative. It’s better to start cashing in on it before the competition becomes stiff and bigger. Sometimes ad campaigns perform unexpectedly, and they need to be consistently monitored for a considerable time to assure conversions and ROI. Better start soon! 

Don’t ponder further as to why your construction business needs Facebook Ads! CMGurus has the answer to it. Our construction marketing services are tailor-made to serve your business’ digital marketing requirements.  


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